(+20) 11 4444 5474

ipharm logoi-pharm Is an Egyptian company specialized in producing inventive pharmaceutical products, needed to satisfy various market demands in the Middle-East and worldwide too.
i-pharm Has multiple stakeholders who aim to adopt ethical policies to their company. We believe that by doing this, we can invest for the long-term benefit of customers and at the same time, improve our environment and society.
i-pharm Ethical policy has been established to set standards and provide guidelines regarding the way we should operate according to ethical matters and principals.
i-pharm Code of ethics guides all employees on acting with integrity, efficiency and accuracy at all times.
i-pharm Strives to combine the activities of patient- care, prevention, and research to benefit not only the current patients receiving care, but also future generations.
i-pharm Policy  is supervised by the basic moral principles that guide our services and bonds patients with the medical staff, so that together they can face the difficult task of competing with cancer, also to carry through their treatment and beyond.

ecrn logoECRN was launched in 2010 as part of an agreement between Alexandria University and Cairo University. Subsequently more cancer researchers and their universities joined including: Assuit University, Tanta University and Menufeya University.
The ECRN aims to provide links between the various cancer research professionals in the country. These links should facilitate the design and implementation of research studies in cancer by enabling researchers to identify and locate resources and expertise that may not be available to them at their own institutions and hence plan collaborative work that may not be possible for a single institution separately. This network should also enhance the conduction of large scale research studies that require the participation of multiple institutions, the identification of National research priorities in the field of cancer and the process of technology transfer among Egyptian research institutions.
ECRN vision is to empower cancer research nationwide by establishing organized formations, pooling resources and expertise and fostering a collaborative rather than competitive culture that allows cancer research in Egypt to move forwards based on the strengths of many and  unhampered by the deficits of any single organization.

cerc logo

Alexandria University Cancer Research Cluster is a multidisciplinary cluster that hosts several research groups. Each group is running one or more research programs. The Cluster was established the Cluster in 2010 on a grant from the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund. Since then, 3 different research programs were started with additional competitive funding from national and international organizations. The cluster currently hosts the following research groups: Cancer genetics group, cancer immunology group, environmental carcinogenesis group, infectious diseases and cancer group, methodology group. The cluster is also the administrative home to the Egyptian Cancer Research Network.


Contact Us

mapBorg Elfarag building,
Algalaa street (previously Baby Coca street), Off Alex-Cairo Agricultural Road, Semouha Algadeeda, Alexandria , EGYPT

map(+20) 11 4444 5474